Guess what Image Insanity is the proud new owner of?...
Instagram!! go follow me @imageinsanity on there for updates cool snaps or photos worth sharing hope to see you there!!
Love Katie XOX
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Our natural selves
Skin, that's the stuff ALL over you. It protects us from disease, it's also the body's largest organ, it acts as one of our main sensors and is just keeping us from looking like some creepy, bloody zombie! Yet some of us feel so insecure in our own skin that we hide behind layers of makeup, filters and clothing. Why is that? Society...
Look at a magazine photo of a celebrity, they have flawless skin and everything is so perfect.
Look at a model, they're also flawless.
TV stars, yep, they're flawless too!
But they're fake, they have hours spent on makeup, hair and then Photoshop and basically have professional people fumbling around them to make them appear flawless. This is one of the main source of insecurity. Young girls see these perfect pixel images and strive to be just like them so apply layer after layer on to their already perfect skin because they have a slightly different colour on one part of their face or they have one spot. I'm not saying I walk around bare faced and flaunting my natural skin, I don't.
That's the point of this post.
I've fallen into the skin crazy trap, although my main reason is acne.
Every one has heard of that word 'Acne', other than a super expensive clothing brand its a skin condition that really knocks, kicks and crushes self esteem. So I am a acne sufferer, it is big, red and visible. and I don't want to change the world so that makeup is banned because I actually love makeup also its a form of art just like tattoos are. What I am saying is that sometimes we shouldn't feel that we're expected to wear makeup, we shouldn't post a photo saying sorry no makeup or just anything really. Yeah sometimes our skin sucks, the under eye bags and discoloration crap but it is part of us! why should we feel the need to hide who we are?
I am going to be starting some serious course for treating my acne and this journey will be documented in a video over time and then at the end of the course I'll give y'all an update on how my skin is and this is going to kick off my youtube channel as the first video I post. I will give regular updates on here too and just keep in touch with you guys
This post was inspired by +Zoella in her recent vlog commenting on this exact subject and its true we are human and natural why is there so much pressure to look flawless when that's not real?
But don't think i'm having a dig at makeup I'm really not I collect the damn stuff I love it! I just want everyone out there to feel confident in who they are and what their skin is because we are all beautiful inside and out.
Please feel free to comment your thought I'd love to hear them if you've read this far!
Thanks for reading, until next time
Look at a magazine photo of a celebrity, they have flawless skin and everything is so perfect.
Look at a model, they're also flawless.
TV stars, yep, they're flawless too!
But they're fake, they have hours spent on makeup, hair and then Photoshop and basically have professional people fumbling around them to make them appear flawless. This is one of the main source of insecurity. Young girls see these perfect pixel images and strive to be just like them so apply layer after layer on to their already perfect skin because they have a slightly different colour on one part of their face or they have one spot. I'm not saying I walk around bare faced and flaunting my natural skin, I don't.
That's the point of this post.
I've fallen into the skin crazy trap, although my main reason is acne.
Every one has heard of that word 'Acne', other than a super expensive clothing brand its a skin condition that really knocks, kicks and crushes self esteem. So I am a acne sufferer, it is big, red and visible. and I don't want to change the world so that makeup is banned because I actually love makeup also its a form of art just like tattoos are. What I am saying is that sometimes we shouldn't feel that we're expected to wear makeup, we shouldn't post a photo saying sorry no makeup or just anything really. Yeah sometimes our skin sucks, the under eye bags and discoloration crap but it is part of us! why should we feel the need to hide who we are?
I am going to be starting some serious course for treating my acne and this journey will be documented in a video over time and then at the end of the course I'll give y'all an update on how my skin is and this is going to kick off my youtube channel as the first video I post. I will give regular updates on here too and just keep in touch with you guys
This post was inspired by +Zoella in her recent vlog commenting on this exact subject and its true we are human and natural why is there so much pressure to look flawless when that's not real?
But don't think i'm having a dig at makeup I'm really not I collect the damn stuff I love it! I just want everyone out there to feel confident in who they are and what their skin is because we are all beautiful inside and out.
Please feel free to comment your thought I'd love to hear them if you've read this far!
Thanks for reading, until next time
Love Katie XOX
Uni, Dealing with a loss and the future
Hey guys so this week has been so hectic! It's so hard settling into a new environment (college) and keeping up needs complete focus and belief. I didn't know what to write for this post but I really want a post to go up to my 2 viewers aha also if you are reading this could you help me with tips on how to get a bigger audience?
So anyway I've just decided to sit here and type whatever I feel is right, I didn't get a chance to take any pictures for some of the posts I'm planning hence the randomness and weirdness of this post.
Well the first thing that I need to tell you guys about is image insanity has Instagram! That's right go follow me @imageinsanity where you'll find random shots, info and just weird things to share with you! I hope you enjoy.
Secondly recently I've been thinking a lot about Uni because if I decide I want to go I have a year to apply! Ever since I was little I always planned to go for it but now I think about it and I have no idea what I would study and decided I would only be going to experience it not actually learn anything from it. This bothered me so much I mean, I have no clue what to do with my life and in 2 years I start my real future. I feel completely and utterly lost. Help?! I wish I could be someone amazing like a full time blogger or a you-tuber or fashion journalist but I know it takes years and a lot of viewers etc to actually make a living out of that so I guess I'll keep this as a hobby. I am thinking about starting to upload videos to youtube but I have a plan on how to enter the world of youtube so it'll be a while until Image insanity has youtube videos, also I want to wait until I have a few readers that like my style and are willing to tune in.
Recently my beloved cat died, I know that's blunt to put but there's no point buttering it up it's the truth all in all, so I was doing some deep thinking the days after he left because as sad as it is we had an indescribable bond and writing this right now is making me tear up, oh dear. So what i'm trying (and failing) to say is that sometimes in life things happen, like this for example and no-one wanted it and its not a great thing to happen but it did, I've accepted that, accepting never means forgetting neither does moving on. I will forever love my fat cat and I know he will to, but moving on is crucial in life, if we stay stuck in the past we will never find new opportunities or adventures to put on our life's record. I read a quote somewhere and it has helped me through this so much:
Final part of this post is the future! So as mentioned earlier i'm completely lost when it comes to my own future i cant even decide what to do after college which is literally a year and a half away how scary! But sitting my the keyboard I think a lot. I still haven't thought of a career just the hopes and dreams i want to achieve from it. These include owning my own house, having a family and traveling, so working backwards I've thought about what I love and if everyone did what they loved there would be no basic jobs filled, I mean seriously who dreams of being a bin man? There's gotta be someone out there to take away the nasty trash! So I have no idea where this post is headed but what I do know is that we all need to recognize what we love, what we're good and and what is necessary.
So i'm really sorry this post was so damn random and probably headed nowhere but it felt good to just sit and type to my 2 viewers! Love you guys!
"Just because you miss someone, doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on." Macklemore 20/04/13 - Twitter.
Think about every word here, they're all true! We probably all miss someone or something but missing IS a part of moving on to the next adventure, if we stay haunted by the scars of the past we can never heal and enjoy what life has to offer in the future. So if anyone out there is struggling with a loss, let them, they need to mourn and acknowledge their loss but then after that they can continue knowing their heart is still beating and their future still open.
I didn't want this to be too heavy but there's a lot of emotions around death and loss so obviously there's a lot to say.
So until the next post (which will be better I promise) see ya soon!
So anyway I've just decided to sit here and type whatever I feel is right, I didn't get a chance to take any pictures for some of the posts I'm planning hence the randomness and weirdness of this post.
Well the first thing that I need to tell you guys about is image insanity has Instagram! That's right go follow me @imageinsanity where you'll find random shots, info and just weird things to share with you! I hope you enjoy.
Secondly recently I've been thinking a lot about Uni because if I decide I want to go I have a year to apply! Ever since I was little I always planned to go for it but now I think about it and I have no idea what I would study and decided I would only be going to experience it not actually learn anything from it. This bothered me so much I mean, I have no clue what to do with my life and in 2 years I start my real future. I feel completely and utterly lost. Help?! I wish I could be someone amazing like a full time blogger or a you-tuber or fashion journalist but I know it takes years and a lot of viewers etc to actually make a living out of that so I guess I'll keep this as a hobby. I am thinking about starting to upload videos to youtube but I have a plan on how to enter the world of youtube so it'll be a while until Image insanity has youtube videos, also I want to wait until I have a few readers that like my style and are willing to tune in.
Recently my beloved cat died, I know that's blunt to put but there's no point buttering it up it's the truth all in all, so I was doing some deep thinking the days after he left because as sad as it is we had an indescribable bond and writing this right now is making me tear up, oh dear. So what i'm trying (and failing) to say is that sometimes in life things happen, like this for example and no-one wanted it and its not a great thing to happen but it did, I've accepted that, accepting never means forgetting neither does moving on. I will forever love my fat cat and I know he will to, but moving on is crucial in life, if we stay stuck in the past we will never find new opportunities or adventures to put on our life's record. I read a quote somewhere and it has helped me through this so much:
Final part of this post is the future! So as mentioned earlier i'm completely lost when it comes to my own future i cant even decide what to do after college which is literally a year and a half away how scary! But sitting my the keyboard I think a lot. I still haven't thought of a career just the hopes and dreams i want to achieve from it. These include owning my own house, having a family and traveling, so working backwards I've thought about what I love and if everyone did what they loved there would be no basic jobs filled, I mean seriously who dreams of being a bin man? There's gotta be someone out there to take away the nasty trash! So I have no idea where this post is headed but what I do know is that we all need to recognize what we love, what we're good and and what is necessary.
So i'm really sorry this post was so damn random and probably headed nowhere but it felt good to just sit and type to my 2 viewers! Love you guys!
"Just because you miss someone, doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on." Macklemore 20/04/13 - Twitter.
Think about every word here, they're all true! We probably all miss someone or something but missing IS a part of moving on to the next adventure, if we stay haunted by the scars of the past we can never heal and enjoy what life has to offer in the future. So if anyone out there is struggling with a loss, let them, they need to mourn and acknowledge their loss but then after that they can continue knowing their heart is still beating and their future still open.
I didn't want this to be too heavy but there's a lot of emotions around death and loss so obviously there's a lot to say.
So until the next post (which will be better I promise) see ya soon!
Love Katie XOX
Saturday, 13 September 2014
How to Saturdays: Save battery on an Iphone!
Hey guys, so I was thinking about a cool thing to write blog posts on and I was completely lost so after watching a film called 'How to loose a man in 10 days' I got the inspiration I needed! The character Andie Anderson writes a 'How to' column in a magazine so it got me thinking, and I finally thought of the idea of How to Saturdays! So *hopefully* every Saturday I will post a how to do something post. These posts won't be the main posts on Image insanity don't panic just a quick treat for you guys. This being the first How to Saturday I chose a trick close to my heart... Saving battery on my phone!! I hope this helps and you enjoy it!
That dreaded time when you leave the house with 70% and can't charge your phone all day, so you will have a dead phone by the end of the day, we've all experienced this.
Sadly Iphones don't tend to have a Nokia style battery life so a day outing usually kills the remaining battery leaving a blank screen until you can plug yourself in.And that is unavoidable really unless we all buy those swanky charging phone cases (find them here, here and here) but for those of us that for whatever reason don't own that kind of sorcery this post gives quick, simple and easy tricks to make your Iphone's battery last that little bit longer.
Firstly the thing that some people do know and others don't: when you open an app do whatever you need to on it and then lock or press the home button the app stays active. so after a quick go on candy crush if you just press the home button candy crush is still using your 3G and battery! Here's how to fix that.
1) double click the home button which should bring you to a similar screen to this:
That dreaded time when you leave the house with 70% and can't charge your phone all day, so you will have a dead phone by the end of the day, we've all experienced this.
Sadly Iphones don't tend to have a Nokia style battery life so a day outing usually kills the remaining battery leaving a blank screen until you can plug yourself in.And that is unavoidable really unless we all buy those swanky charging phone cases (find them here, here and here) but for those of us that for whatever reason don't own that kind of sorcery this post gives quick, simple and easy tricks to make your Iphone's battery last that little bit longer.
Firstly the thing that some people do know and others don't: when you open an app do whatever you need to on it and then lock or press the home button the app stays active. so after a quick go on candy crush if you just press the home button candy crush is still using your 3G and battery! Here's how to fix that.
1) double click the home button which should bring you to a similar screen to this:
(Probably wont have the same mermaid background or apps open but these are for demonstration purposes)
Here you will see all of your open apps that are sneakily draining your 3G and battery! cheeky buggers!
2) put your finger on the app and swipe up this exits the app but don't worry it doesn't delete the app it just saves your precious percentage left!
Here I have screen-shotted mid swipe on the settings app.
and keep swiping up on those apps until you see a zoomed out version of your main home screen.
The slide on the left is the 'zoomed out home screen'.
3) Now that all of those apps are not draining your battery another way to save as much as possible is to turn the brightness right down (unless you really need it at full brightness). This can be done by swiping up on the screen from the bottom to about half way down the screen, this will pull up an opaque grey slide showing these options:
Lots of your phone can be controlled here e.g. music, volume, quick access to torch and camera and lots more!
4) After revealing the grey slide the smaller sun and bigger sun on either end of the line at the top controls the brightness of your screen (this is also accessible in settings but this way is quicker). Simply slide the little white dot towards the smaller sun to reduce brightness and increase your battery!
5) Also to do with brightness, on settings under your brightness there is an option called Auto-brightness which automatically increases and decreases light to be able to see the screen in varying lights. With this turned on you can still use brightness adjustments!
6) Turning your Bluetooth off also saves your precious battery life, this can again be done by getting up the grey slide and a little 'B' button along the top symbolizes your Bluetooth. Simply tap the icon until it has black lines this means it is turned off.
There's so many ways to save battery but these are the main 6 I use in a hurry to save my phones life for another hour or so. I hope this helps you when you're needing a longer battery life and saves the day!
Love Katie XOX
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Real Techniques core collection review
As a makeup brush hoarder/ collector when these came through my post box I was so eager to use them! I'm sure if you watch some of the youtubers or are a confessed makeup-a-holic you would've heard of this brush set!
The set contains 4 brushes and a handy travel/ brush holder which is interchangeable.
the four brushes consist of: Buffing brush, Pointed foundation brush, Contour brush and Detailer brush.
Buffing Brush.
The buffing brush is said to be ideal for using mineral and powder foundation to create a flawless full coverage all over the face. All of the brush has been thought about when it had been designed from the hand-cut synthetic bristles, the light weight aluminium handles to the actual shape of the brush head for application. Also all of the brushes are 100% cruelty free! Bonus.
So, after explaining what the brush is said to be like here's my opinion:
I use the Buffing brush for my liquid foundation and it is absolutely amazing! After reading up reviews on it I decided to use it for liquid foundation instead of powder and it really is an all-purpose brush, it blends out foundation effortlessly as it 'buffs' the product smoothly onto your skin to make it look the least caked and fake as possible. The brush smooths foundation into an even layer and leaves it looking flawless and natural. The bristles are so soft on your skin and I haven't had one bristle fall out from the brushes and I've washed the brushes quite a few times now.
Contour Brush.
The contour brush 'delicately applies highlighter to contour or create sheer, soft-focus finish'. This is absolutely true! the brush is a perfect shape to use in the hollows of the cheeks to really define them cheek bones and the soft bristles ensure you don't have a strong line, but a gentle shadow to make the cheeks really POP.
I use the Sleek Contour Kit in medium with this brush and the contour colour can come out a bit strong so with this brush it ensures that there's no harsh lines and I don't just walk around with thick brown lines on the side of my face.Pointed Foundation Brush.
For a foundation brush it's quite small so I decided to use this as a concealer brush and it works so well especially for under-eye concealer! It is a perfect size to cover any tired eye bags after a night out, it can easily get in the corner and the soft bristles don't irritate the delicate skin around your eyes meaning you get an even flawless finish. The description for the pointed foundation brush say: 'use with liquid foundation to build custom coverage' and I guess if you want to spend forever blending your foundation out to get a smooth and flawless finish but unfortunately the brush's size is too small for me to use as a foundation brush.
Small Detailer Brush.

This brush is so tiny my camera wouldn't focus on the brush so this is the best picture I could take (sorry), but yes this brush is so adorable and tiny- it'd get lost with out it's bright handle! At first I couldn't really figure out what to use the brush for its so tiny I mean could it be a lip brush? Eyebrow brush? Eyeliner brush? Or even a tiny concealer brush? I was lost so I looked up what RT had to say about the brush for some inspiration and they said: 'precision cut to effortlessly conceal problem areas; or, use with lipstick for long-lasting shape and definition'. After that I tried it as a concealer brush for all them imperfections but found I didn't like it much so washed it and tried it as a lip brush and love it! It's a perfect size for lining your cupid's bow and get a straight, smooth line so worth playing around with brushes; just because you brought a certain type of brush doesn't mean you have to use it for that purpose, play around use them for different purposes you might really like it!
The Core Collection.
So my overall opinion of these brushes is: they have such a good pay off it's silly spending more than double on Mac brushes (although they're amazing). These brushes are:
100% cruelty free
Soft bristles all hand cut
No fallout bristles
Create a gorgeous flawless coverage
The travel case is handy to hold brushes up and protect them when traveling.
They are worth every penny! I constantly find myself reaching for these over my other brushes as they are just great I definitely recommend!
If you want your own set of the Real Technique Core Collection brushes here are some links for you:
Feel Unique - NOW ON SALE £16.79 ( Non-sale price £20.99)
Boots - £21.99
Amazon - £13.25
Superdrug - £20.99
Thanks for reading I hope you either agree with me or want your own set now!
Love Katie XOX
Friday, 22 August 2014
Finally posting the 1st post
So here I am about to start my 1st proper, official post on Image Insanity!
I'm a bit lost at what to write but I think a great place to start with is why I started this blog up.
So for a few years now I've been reading various blogs about beauty, fashion and lifestyle and have related to quite a few of the bloggers' posts so after a while I finally decided to start blogging. Yet this isn't my first blog I had a previous blog but I didn't have the time to really post on it so I rapidly lost interest in posting on a dead blog really... Then after all of my exams had finished I started editing this blog ready to post articles here! I've always wanted to share my thoughts and opinions to others hoping they care to read them so I now have my place to post such things all I need is my audience.
Okay now secondly; why the name Image Insanity? Well ever noticed how fashion mad some people can get? They stalk their style icon's new buys and get all in a tizzy if they don't get one single particular item, like the popular item that Mary and Kate have but I don't, SO I NEED IT... NOW? We've all experienced this so I thought I'd create a relatable yet creative title that reflects some of today's societies behavior towards fashion, after all this blog is going to be based on fashion, beauty, lifestyle and a couple of my thoughts every now and then. All in all some people can go slightly Insane over their Image... Starting to catch on now? I hope so aha.
Now, what do I intend to post about or how often? I am planning on a post a week but I am headed off to college at the start of September so depending how quickly I can settle in depends on posting rotas but just so you know my aim is a post a week. Also the content? That'll be beauty, fashion and lifestyle based, for example I'm planning some posts about: a recent haul, reviews on some of my favorite products or new found products, my top 5 favorite products of a certain category (e.g makeup, skincare, hair care) and some of the latest trends available to all of us image mad peeps!
When I first came up with the name Image Insanity I came up with a cute theme of Alice In Wonderland because of a quote that links rather well give or take a few words. The quote really sealed the name for me as it just seemed to work so well! I have attached the 'pimped' quote from AIW that links to this here ol' blog (aha fancied an old play on words there) and originally it was going to be the banner at the top of the blog but I later decided on a lighter theme of white, grey and pink.


The original quote from Alice In Wonderland was spoken by the Cheshire Cat (who scared the doodaa out of me at 7), you can watch a short scene of it here, the link opens a new tab so you wont loose this page don't panic.
Okay so finally I want to share my hopes and dreams for this blog, I would love to get into posting more than once a week eventually and have subscribers that inspire me to write therefore building and growing this blog to one day have a big enough audience to think it logical to buy a full domain for the blog! I would also like my blog to help those of you whether its choosing your next foundation or motivating you to try something that you end up loving, I just hope to help you in whatever I can to become the best you can be!So thanks for reading this far down and I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and I also hope that you stick around a while and continue reading what I post in the future.
So I'm going to end this post (my 1st post ahhh) right here goodbye my Image Insane people :*
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Bloglovin Link
You guys can now follow me on Bloglovin! just click the widget on the side!
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