Saturday, 4 October 2014

Image Insanity just got something new....

Guess what Image Insanity is the proud new owner of?...

Instagram!! go follow me @imageinsanity on there for updates cool snaps or photos worth sharing hope to see you there!!

Love Katie XOX

Our natural selves

Skin, that's the stuff ALL over you. It protects us from disease, it's also the body's largest organ, it acts as one of our main sensors and is just keeping us from looking like some creepy, bloody zombie! Yet some of us feel so insecure in our own skin that we hide behind layers of makeup, filters and clothing. Why is that? Society...

Look at a magazine photo of a celebrity, they have flawless skin and everything is so perfect.
Look at a model, they're also flawless.
TV stars, yep, they're flawless too!
But they're fake, they have hours spent on makeup, hair and then Photoshop and basically have professional people fumbling around them to make them appear flawless. This is one of the main source of insecurity. Young girls see these perfect pixel images and strive to be just like them so apply layer after layer on to their already perfect skin because they have a slightly different colour on one part of their face or they have one spot. I'm not saying I walk around bare faced and flaunting my natural skin, I don't.
That's the point of this post.
I've fallen into the skin crazy trap, although my main reason is acne.

Every one has heard of that word 'Acne', other than a super expensive clothing brand its a skin condition that really knocks, kicks and crushes self esteem. So I am a acne sufferer, it is big, red and visible. and I don't want to change the world so that makeup is banned because I actually love makeup also its a form of art just like tattoos are. What I am saying is that sometimes we shouldn't feel that we're expected to wear makeup, we shouldn't post a photo saying sorry no makeup or just anything really. Yeah sometimes our skin sucks, the under eye bags and discoloration crap but it is part of us! why should we feel the need to hide who we are?

I am going to be starting some serious course for treating my acne and this journey will be documented in a video over time and then at the end of the course I'll give y'all an update on how my skin is and this is going to kick off my youtube channel as the first video I post. I will give regular updates on here too and just keep in touch with you guys

This post was inspired by +Zoella  in her recent vlog commenting on this exact subject and its true we are human and natural why is there so much pressure to look flawless when that's not real?

But don't think i'm having a dig at makeup I'm really not I collect the damn stuff I love it! I just want everyone out there to feel confident in who they are and what their skin is because we are all beautiful inside and out.

Please feel free to comment your thought I'd love to hear them if you've read this far!

Thanks for reading, until next time
Love Katie XOX

Uni, Dealing with a loss and the future

Hey guys so this week has been so hectic! It's so hard settling into a new environment (college) and keeping up needs complete focus and belief. I didn't know what to write for this post but I really want a post to go up to my 2 viewers aha also if you are reading this could you help me with tips on how to get a bigger audience?
So anyway I've just decided to sit here and type whatever I feel is right, I didn't get a chance to take any pictures for some of the posts I'm planning hence the randomness and weirdness of this post.

Well the first thing that I need to tell you guys about is image insanity has Instagram! That's right go follow me @imageinsanity where you'll find random shots, info and just weird things to share with you! I hope you enjoy.
Secondly recently I've been thinking a lot about Uni because if I decide I want to go I have a year to apply! Ever since I was little I always planned to go for it but now I think about it and I have no idea what I would study and decided I would only be going to experience it not actually learn anything from it. This bothered me so much I mean, I have no clue what to do with my life and in 2 years I start my real future. I feel completely and utterly lost. Help?! I wish I could be someone amazing like a full time blogger or a you-tuber or fashion journalist but I know it takes years and a lot of viewers etc to actually make a living out of that so I guess I'll keep this as a hobby. I am thinking about starting to upload videos to youtube but I have a plan on how to enter the world of youtube so it'll be a while until Image insanity has youtube videos, also I want to wait until I have a few readers that like my style and are willing to tune in.
Recently my beloved cat died, I know that's blunt to put but there's no point buttering it up it's the truth all in all, so I was doing some deep thinking the days after he left because as sad as it is we had an indescribable bond and writing this right now is making me tear up, oh dear. So what i'm trying (and failing) to say is that sometimes in life things happen, like this for example and no-one wanted it and its not a great thing to happen but it did, I've accepted that, accepting never means forgetting neither does moving on. I will forever love my fat cat and I know he will to, but moving on is crucial in life, if we stay stuck in the past we will never find new opportunities or adventures to put on our life's record. I read a quote somewhere and it has helped me through this so much:
Final part of this post is the future! So as mentioned earlier i'm completely lost when it comes to my own future i cant even decide what to do after college which is literally a year and a half away how scary! But sitting my the keyboard I think a lot. I still haven't thought of a career just the hopes and dreams i want to achieve from it. These include owning my own house, having a family and traveling, so working backwards I've thought about what I love and if everyone did what they loved there would be no basic jobs filled, I mean seriously who dreams of being a bin man? There's gotta be someone out there to take away the nasty trash! So I have no idea where this post is headed but what I do know is that we all need to recognize what we love, what we're good and and what is necessary.
So i'm really sorry this post was so damn random and probably headed nowhere but it felt good to just sit and type to my 2 viewers! Love you guys!

"Just because you miss someone, doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on." Macklemore 20/04/13 - Twitter. 
Think about every word here, they're all true! We probably all miss someone or something but missing IS a part of moving on to the next adventure, if we stay haunted by the scars of the past we can never heal and enjoy what life has to offer in the future. So if anyone out there is struggling with a loss, let them, they need to mourn and acknowledge their loss but then after that they can continue knowing their heart is still beating and their future still open.
I didn't want this to be too heavy but there's a lot of emotions around death and loss so obviously there's a lot to say.

So until the next post (which will be better I promise) see ya soon! 
Love Katie XOX